Distracted Driving Awareness

With April being National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, we want to take the opportunity to remind our readers of the dangers of this type of motorist behavior. By understanding just how dangerous it is, maybe you will feel that much more motivated to never drive distracted.

Distractions from the road cause thousands of deaths and injuries yearly:

  • 3,450 people died in accidents involving distraction in 2016
  • In 2015, about 391,000 people were injured in crashes involving distracted driving
  • More than 480,000 people are using their cell phones while they are driving during the daylight hours

Distraction can take many forms. It is anything that takes your eyes, mind and hands away from the task of driving. Texting is the behavior that readily springs to mind, and for good reason. Typing out a text occupies your hands, mind and eyes. Reading a text can occupy all three as well. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. When traveling at 55 miles per hour, in 5 seconds you would travel the entire length of a football field without looking in front of you.

Eating food, personal grooming, adjusting navigation, and really anything that takes your attention can distract you from driving in a dangerous way. Pledge today to remind your friends, colleagues and loved ones of these dangers.

If you or a family member has been injured in a car crash caused by a distracted or inattentive driver, then you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. For a free case review with our experienced accident attorneys, please call Whetstone Perkins & Fulda. We proudly fight for people from across South Carolina, including the areas of Myrtle Beach, Columbia, Marion and Kingstree.

Whetstone Perkins & Fulda