Truck drivers travel many miles daily, moving their vehicles from one point to another. Unfortunately, due to lengthy time on the road, driver fatigue is a common issue. While many truckers can pull over or find a rest stop before proceeding safely, some may choose to carry on even while experiencing restlessness and fatigue.

If you have been hurt due to a fatigued truck driver in a Marion accident, a lawyer could help. Call Whetstone Perkins & Fulda to speak with a dedicated tractor-trailer collision attorney today.

What is Driver Fatigue?

Driver fatigue is a form of distracted driving caused by a drowsy driver who cannot operate at full capacity due to extreme tiredness or exhaustion. The driver’s reaction time and ability to make quick decisions are suppressed, increasing the risk of a crash.

Truck drivers are federally mandated to take regular breaks to prevent fatigue on the road. However, this does not always happen; even the most careful drivers might get drowsy behind the wheel.

Injuries That Can Occur Due to Driver Fatigue

Due to their size and weight, accidents caused by large trucks can be severe and even deadly. A few injuries common in truck accidents include the following:

If the accident is serious enough, death can occur. For those involved in truck collisions, trauma and lingering stress may become the norm, and it can be hard to return to life as usual.

Fortunately, compassionate legal help is available following a truck wreck caused by a fatigued driver in Marion. Our highly skilled lawyers can step in to help injured parties fight for the compensation they deserve.

How an Attorney Assists With Truck Accidents Caused by Fatigue

A truck collision can change the lives of everyone involved. From serious injury to property damage, it can take weeks or months for those affected to recover from the trauma of the incident. However, with the help of a lawyer, it could be easier to get the compensation you deserve.

A Marion attorney could work to build a strong case that shows how a drowsy truck driver caused the accident and establishes fault. Evidence could include the following:

  • Police reports
  • Witness statements
  • Photos and videos from the accident scene
  • Reports from accident reconstruction professionals

Our legal team could fight for your rights and represent you in court, guiding you every step of the way and explaining requirements. The legal process can be confusing, especially for someone who has never been involved in a personal injury suit. A lawyer is a strong advocate for anyone who has been hurt in a truck accident due to drowsy or distracted drivers.

Get in Touch With an Attorney in Marion to Discuss Fatigued Truck Driver Accidents

At Whetstone Perkins & Fulda, we are advocates for anyone who has been hurt on South Carolina roadways due to the negligence of someone else. We fight for your rights and work to get you the maximum amount of compensation.

If you have questions about fatigued truck drivers in Marion accidents or want to learn more about how we could assist with a personal injury case, our lawyers are here for you. Contact us today to learn more.

Whetstone Perkins & Fulda