In a class action lawsuit, a group of people who have suffered the same or similar harm come together to sue the person, corporation or entity responsible. These class action cases can be highly beneficial to you and the other plaintiffs, as it brings all of the victims together in a single action against the responsible party, which can cut down on litigation costs and may bring awareness to the issue much more dramatically than if you were to file as an individual. To learn more, please call our experienced attorneys at Whetstone Perkins & Fulda, at 803-500-0922.

When Are Class Action Lawsuits Necessary?

Class action lawsuits may be appropriate when there has been widespread damage or losses inflicted on a large group of people.  Examples of class action cases include:

  • Defective products
  • Retirement benefits claims
  • Fraudulent charges, fees or add-ons
  • Illegal plant closings or mass lay-offs
  • Violations of securities laws and other remedial statutes

The attorneys of Whetstone Perkins & Fulda have met the challenges presented by class action lawsuits.

Whetstone Perkins & Fulda is equipped with an in-house database management system that allows our attorneys to collect, analyze and summarize hundreds of thousands of pages of discovery material. Having this material at our fingertips ensures that no smoking gun is missed. We then can use our technology to create powerful, convincing presentations backed by solid facts, giving our clients the edge they want and need.

Experienced, Committed Attorneys Fighting for You

If you believe you may have suffered an injury or harm similar to other people, from a single cause such as a defective product, we urge you to contact our attorneys as soon as possible. Class actions can move quickly in some instances, and we will make sure you know what your options are right now and what you should do to pursue compensation.

Typically, a class action is brought against a very powerful corporation. These types of companies have their own very powerful attorneys protecting them. A class action lawsuit has the advantage of pooling together resources and plaintiffs in a common goal against an intimidating opponent. If compensation is recovered in your class action, it will be distributed among each of the plaintiffs.

To find out if you may be eligible to pursue compensation in a class action lawsuit, please call Whetstone Perkins & Fulda at 803-500-0922 or contact us online today. We serve areas across South Carolina, including Myrtle Beach, Columbia and Kingstree.

Whetstone Perkins & Fulda