You make payments to an insurance company for your peace of mind. Your insurance policy is an agreement that the insurance company will provide you protection when it is needed and will negotiate and settle your claims “in good faith.” “Good faith” means that both parties to the contract – you and the insurance company – will deal honestly with each other and with fair intentions.
Insurance bad faith claims arise when insurance companies deal with policyholders in an unfair, dishonest way. Find more details below about what does and does not qualify as bad faith dealings.
For individualized answers about your situation, please call the experienced attorneys at Whetstone Perkins & Fulda. Our Columbia bad faith insurance lawyers provide free case evaluations.
Can Bad Faith Claims be Filed for all Kinds of Insurance?
While you may experience unfair treatment in just about any insurance situation, bad faith claims are not always available. Where insurance is part of a group plan, federal laws may limit your ability to sue for bad faith. It also makes a difference if the insurance is self-insured coverage or provided by a governmental entity.
Let the experienced lawyers at Whetstone Perkins & Fulda evaluate your claim, help you unravel these complexities and pursue the most beneficial remedies for you.
What Are Bad Faith Insurance Dealings?
Bad faith may apply to just about any type of insurance:
- Car insurance
- Home insurance
- Medical insurance
- Disability insurance
- Life insurance
You and the adjuster may not agree on how much your claim is worth and it’s normal for there to be a negotiation or some back-and-forth. You often will not be offered what you think you deserve. However, these things alone do not point to bad faith dealings. Instead, an insurance bad faith claim usually arises when the insurance company denies, delays, or reduces your settlement without reasonable justification for doing so.
Here is what bad faith dealings may look like:
- Failing to pay your claim in a reasonably timely manner
- Dragging its feet on the investigation of your claim
- Incorrectly calling your claim excluded or non-covered
- Cancelation of your policy without explanation
- Withholding from you mandatory disclosures of your rights
- Reducing the benefits you should be getting
- Denying or reducing a settlement without explanation
Additionally, if the insurance company refuses or fails to consider important evidence about your claim or doesn’t listen to expert opinions that affect your claim, it may be acting in bad faith. If you believe your insurance company is acting unfairly, it is important to reach out to a seasoned lawyer right away to learn your rights.
Our Columbia Bad Faith Insurance Attorneys Are on Your Side
You pay your insurance company every month, with the expectation that the protection offered by your policy will be there when you need it the most. Unfortunately, insurance companies often place profits over the best interests of their customers. Even when they aren’t negotiating in bad faith, they may try to push a claimant into accepting a lower offer than he or she deserves. You should get the full benefits you are due for the injury and damage you have suffered.
It can be a daunting feeling when your own insurance company becomes your opponent at the very time you need it to look out for you. Rely on our Columbia bad faith insurance lawyers to fight for what you deserve. We have extensive experience with bad faith claims in South Carolina, so we know what to look for and how to advise you on the next steps. We also know the tactics commonly used by insurance companies. We do not back down from powerful opponents. Contact us today for a free consultation.