Any sort of wreck with a truck has the potential to be destructive. The size and weight of big commercial vehicles can easily crush nearby cars. Jackknife truck collisions are among the most dangerous and complex vehicular crashes on the road.
When a truck jackknifes, the trailer swings out to form a 90-degree angle with the cab, resembling the action of a folding pocketknife. This kind of wreck can cause severe injuries, casualties, and immeasurable damage. If you or a loved one experienced a jackknife truck accident in Kingstree, you could seek compensation through a lawsuit.
The thought of handling complex litigation and multitudes of documents may be unpleasant after experiencing a terrible crash. Choose the knowledgeable truck collision attorneys with Whetstone Perkins & Fulda to assist you with navigating the legal system while you focus on recovering.
Common Causes of Jackknife Wrecks
Several factors can contribute to a jackknife accident. The most common causes include the following:
Driver Error
Driver error includes abrupt braking, taking sharp turns too quickly, or improper maneuvering under challenging conditions. Fatigue, distraction, and impaired driving due to alcohol or drugs also contribute significantly to driver error.
Mechanical Failures
Faulty brakes, worn tires, and other mechanical failures can lead to jackknifing. Regular maintenance and thorough inspections are essential to prevent these problems. When mechanical issues are due to negligence, this breach in the standard of care may extend to the trucking company or maintenance provider.
Adverse Weather Conditions
Rain, snow, ice, and strong winds can create hazardous driving conditions, which increase the risk of a collision. Drivers must exercise increased caution and adjust their driving to the weather conditions.
Improper Loading
Overloading or uneven cargo loading can affect a truck’s balance and stability, making it more susceptible to tipping over. Cargo loading companies and truck drivers must ensure loads are properly secured and balanced.
Excessive speed reduces a driver’s ability to control their vehicle and increases the stopping distance, raising the risk of jackknife wrecks.
Regardless of what caused a jackknife trucking accident, it is wise to consult with a Kingstree attorney about your options to recover damages.
How to Recover Financial Compensation
People can pursue money damages by litigating their cases through settling with insurance companies or the court system.
Taking an Insurance Settlement
Insurance adjusters typically will not offer a settlement amount that adequately covers the costs of the plaintiff’s losses and injuries and will push for the lowest compensation possible. Their goal is to protect their own assets, and because of this, they try to pressure unrepresented parties to settle quickly and before they can consult with a legal professional.
Going to Court
Alternatively, an individual can choose to go to court. Jackknife truck wrecks are often complex since multiple parties and insurance companies are usually involved. For example, you could sue the driver, the trucking company, manufacturers of faulty parts, and other third parties.
A lawyer could seek economic and non-economic damages from a judge and jury in court. Economic damages are actual financial losses the plaintiff suffered due to the crash, like future and current medical bills, the cost of car damage, and lost wages. Non-economic damages are compensation for subjective losses that do not necessarily have a receipt, like pain and suffering, mental and emotional distress, and reduced quality of life.
Substantial evidence is critical in court to prove a breach in the standard of care owed to you. A Kingstree attorney could seek optimal compensation for your injuries resulting from a jackknife truck collision.
Discover How You Could Be Compensated for a Kingstree Jackknife Truck Accident
If you experienced a jackknife truck accident in Kingstree, you may be able to file a claim to recover damages and losses. Determining liability for your claims can be challenging, but the reliable personal injury attorneys at Whetstone Perkins & Fulda could handle the entire legal process. Contact our team today to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case.