How To Defend Yourself If You Were Partially At Fault For An Accident

No matter the cause or the situation, a motor vehicle accident is scary and can have serious impacts on the parties involved. Understanding who is at fault for a collision is critical for determining how compensation will be given to respective parties.

Fault cannot always be attributed entirely to a single person. An experienced personal injury attorney could help ensure fault is properly determined. Call our law office today to schedule an initial consultation with a knowledgeable lawyer.

Types of Accidents and Their Causes

Several types of accidents can take place among different types of vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, trucks, and boats.

Car Accidents

Car accidents are one of the most common forms of automobile accidents, with nearly 20,000 car crashes occurring every day across the US. The typical causes of car accidents include:

  • Speeding
  • Drunk driving
  • Cell phone use while driving
  • Lack of attention
  • Dangerous construction zones
  • Defective roads or road signs
  • Faulty vehicles

A dedicated attorney could review a car accident case, collect evidence, and help prove the other party’s fault.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles provide little to no protection for riders, so the risk of injury from an accident is very high. Despite their reputation, these wrecks are usually caused by a passenger vehicle driver, not the motorcyclist.

Truck Accidents

Trucks pose a unique danger on the roads as they are much larger than the average vehicle and can lead to dangerous accidents if a crash occurs. Truck accidents are usually tied to trucks failing to meet Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations, violating hours of service regulations, and carrying unbalanced or overloaded truck cargo.

Boat Accidents

Improper boating management causes most boating accidents. More specifically, accidents occur from colliding with other objects or structures, boating while intoxicated, reckless driving, and capsizing.

What Defines The Level Of Fault For An Accident?

Getting into an accident, regardless of the type of vehicle involved or who is at fault, is scary. The initial shock and fear of injury can make knowing what party is at fault challenging. Not only may each vehicle driver be at fault, but entities causing defective roads or faulty construction can also be responsible.

Fault can be placed on manufacturing companies, construction companies, road designers and engineers, or responsible municipal agencies.

In South Carolina, drivers can only collect monetary damages after an accident if a judge or jury determines the driver is 50 percent or less at fault. To determine the fault of an accident, it is crucial to have a well-trained and experienced lawyer help with the case.

Were You Partially At Fault For An Accident? Contact Us Today.

Identifying fault in an accident can be incredibly difficult in the rush of the situation. To protect yourself and your right to the compensation you deserve, seeking legal assistance is essential.

If you or a loved one suffered in an accident in South Carolina, contact Whetstone Perkins & Fulda’s well-experienced attorneys today. We are here to support you and ensure you receive fair and legal treatment.

Whetstone Perkins & Fulda