What is a Class Action Lawsuit?

class action lawsuit may be arranged when a large group of people experience the same harm in the same way. A recent example is the class action lawsuit brought against Volkswagen in 2016. In that case, Volkswagen had designed a way to essentially cheat on vehicle emissions tests. The class action compensated people who owned these particular vehicles, which were not as efficient and earth-friendly as they had been led to believe.

As experienced attorneys in South Carolina, we have witnessed first-hand the benefits of a class action. It gets the group of injured people together to hold the responsible party accountable. In other instances, it may make sense to pursue an individual lawsuit. In either scenario, rely on us for clear, honest information about your case.

Our class action attorneys fight on behalf of people throughout the state. Our offices are located in Marion, Columbia, Myrtle Beach and Kingstree. For a complimentary consultation, please contact us today.

Whetstone Perkins & Fulda