Tips for Home Fire Prevention

Last week was National Fire Prevention Week. It is held the same week as The Great Chicago Fire of 1871. That fire decimated thousands of structures and killed about 300 people. Although Fire Prevention Week has come to a close, it’s important to remember fire safety measures all year in order to prevent home fires and the devastating – sometimes fatal – burn injuries they can cause.

Home fires continue to be a major problem each year:

  • Many house fires originate in the kitchen
  • Many deaths caused by home fires occurred in homes that didn’t having functioning smoke alarms
  • Over 365,000 home fires occurred in 2015

You and your family can prevent fire injuries and the risk of fires occurring in the first place:

  • Replace smoke alarms every 10 years to ensure they perform reliably
  • Change smoke alarm batteries at least once a year
  • A smoke alarm should be located outside of every bedroom and on every level of the house
  • Prepare, know and practice escape routes from bedrooms
  • Never leave candles burning unattended
  • Never leave a lit stove unattended
  • Flammable things (curtains, bed clothes, clothing) must be kept at least three feet from space heaters and other things that get hot

These things can help you avoid serious fires and the life-altering damage they cause.

In some instances, burn injuries are the result of someone else’s negligence. If you or a loved one was injured by a fire, chemical spill, auto accident or other incident that caused severe burns, please call Whetstone Perkins & Fulda for a free case evaluation. Our experienced, compassionate injury lawyers are proud to serve areas across South Carolina, including Columbia, Myrtle Beach and Kingstree.


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