$3.5 Million Improper use of Cervical Ripening Agent Causing Uterine Rupture and Brain Damage

Spartanburg, SC – Ms. Perkins represented a mother and her young baby girl with cerebral palsy against the OB-GYN who improperly used a drug against manufacturer’s warnings in an attempt to speed up a vaginal birth after a prior c-section delivery. The drug overstimulated the uterus and caused contractions that resulted in rupture of the uterus. The baby was deprived of oxygen before she could be delivered by emergency C-Section. The child suffers from cerebral palsy as a result. Our attorneys were able to procure a settlement of $3.5 million, which has allowed the young girl access to up-to-date assistive equipment and a better quality of life.

Prior results should not and cannot be relied on to create any expectation about what can be recovered for a client in a subsequent case or considered as a description or characterization of the quality of the firm’s work. The value of every case is determined based on specific factual and legal circumstances.